FoolProof Eviction Action Plan
If you receive an eviction notice, slow down. You have time. Check out the FoolProof Eviction Action Plan.

What Should You Do If You Receive an Eviction Notice
If you receive an eviction notice, slow down. You have time.
Check out the FoolProof Eviction Action Plan

¿Qué Debe Hacer si Recibe una Notificación de Desalojo?
El solo pensar en recibir un aviso de desalojo puede provocarte noches de insomnio.
Entonces, ¿qué haces si realmente recibes un aviso de desalo…

FoolProof Eviction Action Plan
If your landlord wants to evict you, legally they can't just lock you out. Every state has laws that a landlord must follow in order to evict a tenant…

Plan de Acción en caso de Desalojo por FoolProof
Si tu arrendador quiere desalojarte, legalmente no puede simplemente dejarte en la calle. Cada estado tiene leyes que el arrendador debe seguir para p…

Learn About Your Rights as a Tenant
Almost every state has a version of the Landlord and Tenant Act. These laws define the rights and responsibilities of a tenant and a landlord. Learn m…

Finding Legal Help
A legal aid or legal services office provides legal help to people who can't afford a lawyer. Some offices only provide help to people with very low i…

Finding Rent or Housing Assistance
If you need help paying the rent, paying utilities or finding a new place to live there are various government agencies, non-profit organizations, and…