Do You Give to Charities?
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- Written by Will from Holland
- Category: Articles

Charitable giving: Why it may be a good for you to do (and how to do it safely).
Did you know that helping other people is actually good for you? Charitable people are usually happier than uncharitable people, and that's a scientific fact.
Helping others is linked to:
- Better health
- Greater self-confidence
- An improved satisfaction of life
A Charitable person is a person who gives more to others than he or she takes. Learning to be charitable at an early age instills a powerful character asset into your being. Long-term happiness doesn't come from always thinking and worrying about getting things for yourself. Long-term happiness comes from doing good deeds and thinking about others first!*
I know all this feel-good stuff may sound pretty lame to you, but it's the truth. Helping others has been linked to improved educational performance. Have you been looking for an easy way to get those grades up? Start thinking about others more! Hey, it's a habit you can learn.
Another Bonus to Charitable Giving
Another bonus of being charitable is that many schools and businesses look for this quality when they interview people.
Charitable people also make friends easier than uncharitable people. Just working with other people on a good cause is an easy way to get over shyness and make friends. Being charitable is an all-around good quality. Sounds like some great reasons right?
Being charitable is a fun and life-changing experience. If you like working with your hands, help on a building project. If cooking is your thing, volunteer at a soup kitchen. If you like dance or sports, be a coach. The point is options are limitless.
Are you a charitable person? If not, think about giving it a try.
When you are charitable, be weary of where and how you donate.
Tips for Safe Charitable Giving
Here are 6 tips and tricks on how to be both charitable and safe:
Don't give money to a stranger or a charity you don't know. Always take time to research the charity first.
- Google every charity that wants money from you.
- Google: "Problem with [name of the charity]".
Watch out for charities with names that sound like other legitimate charities.
- The American Red Cross was chartered by the U.S. Congress.
- According to some state attorneys general, The Red Cross of America sounds the same but could be a scam.
- Additionally, in times of disaster, many scams pop up. A lot of these scammers will try to affiliate themselves with existing charities. Do proper research before donating!
Always ask for written materials.
- Most scammers will not send you materials.
- Legitimate charities are always happy to send you written materials about their work.
- Do not rely on the information from a website address given to you by someone wanting money.
Never pay in cash.
- Unless you're dropping change in a Salvation Army bucket, don't give cash.
- If you do give cash, always insist on a receipt.
Watch out for scams on the web.
- Do not give money to any group you don't know on the web or that contacts you through an email.
- Never use a credit card, debit card, PayPal, or any other service to give money to charities you haven't researched completely.
Watch out for scams on your mobile device or on any social network.
- Scammers are targeting young people in these ways right now.
- They're using IMs and chats.
- Do not give money to any charity you do not know that contacts you this way.
As you can see, donating can be really good for you and the community, but it can be tricky too. Do it right, and it will do right for you.
For now, if you're interested in charitable work, run through our online FoolProof Solo module on "Charitable Giving". We'll give you a bunch more tips and tricks like the above to help you become that philanthropist**!
Cheers, Will
* Source:
** Philanthropist: One who makes an active effort to promote human welfare.