Budget Trouble: Broke Right after Payday?
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- Written by Will from Holland
- Category: Articles

You know that feeling you get when you get paid? You feel happy and rich and the sky is the limit! It's a great feeling, but it doesn't last long, does it?
You pay your bills — Rent, phone, utilities, insurance, payment on your credit card, and the money you owe your buddy from dinner last month, and before you know it, you're broke on day one and you still have the rest of the month ahead of you.
Does This Sound Like You?
This is defined as budget trouble. It sounds like you forgot to pay yourself first.
If all of this sounds too familiar, here's something to make you feel better: A recent study shows that 47%* of Americans DO NOT have enough savings to cover a $400 unforeseen emergency. That's pretty scary.
Do you have an emergency fund? Do you pay yourself first?
If the answer to either question is no, please follow the instructions and tips below.
Always Pay Yourself First
This means that you save money for you! Money for a rainy day; money to cover unexpected expenses; money for your future; that type of stuff.
Most experts, like FoolProof, say you should make saving at least 10% of your monthly income a serious priority.
Always have enough savings to cover at least 3 months of your normal expenses. Say you lose your job or get injured and cannot work, this buffer can help you get through the gap in income.
Set savings goals. You can do this. Try to set short-term goals as well as long-terms goal. See how (rewarding) it feels to save your way towards your target goal.
Do you feel like you don't make enough to pay yourself first? Okay, that's a problem many people have these days.
Here's a Plan to Help You
First, work through FoolProof's interactive module, "Burning Money." You're going to need an hour or two to do this right. But take the time!
Start: FoolProof Solo's "Burning Money".
After you work through Burning Money, explore the other stories and resources below.
Make time to do this right. Being broke after each payday isn't the way to face your future. Get your budgeting and saving habits in check right now, and you'll have a much smoother time getting your budget right in the future
Cheers, Will
*Source: www.theatlantic.com